Treat yourself to a photographer for Christmas!
It is certain that the Covid-19 crisis has made us lose all sense of time and we are all convinced that Christmas and the end of the year are far away. Nevertheless, those of an optimistic disposition can hope that this situation is behind us and that we can take up a normal lifestyle again. It is the perfect opportunity for a company to organize a “little” party which will leave memorable memories.
The outlook is gloomy. The perspective of an event be it for the company’s employees or clients (or both), is certainly a motivating factor for the troops. It is also a chance to do something different and offer a long-lasting memory to each participant by calling on a professional photographer.
A Saint Nicolas full of smiles
A first chance to organize an event is to set-up Saint Nicholas for the children of the employees. Thus can the parents meet up – within the company or in a place you will have prepared - and share (while respecting the rules of sanitation that may be in effect at the time). Ghislain Bruyère will then set up a mini- studio which will allow each participant to take a family photo, with or without the great Saint who won’t hesitate to honor the event with his presence. Of course, atmospheric photos will also be taken and shared amongst the highest number of participants.
An end of year party for the employees
One thing is certain: we have lived a strange year, both from a personal and professional perspective. And if things have held together, it’s certainly thanks to the involvement of everyone. Why then, not invite your different colleagues (and their partners?) to thank them collectively, but also personally for the efforts made. If Ghislain Bruyère never misses an opportunity to capture those moments of complicity which most certainly exist between your colleagues, he can also, when asked, make the most of the event to take the new portraits of those same colleagues. These can be used in the official publications of the company, but also for the different LinkedIn profiles of those who do not fail to be the best ambassadors of the company. Cherry on the cake: seeing as everyone will be on their 31, why not propose, to those who wish, to take exceptional photos with their partners.
An event for the clients
If your company survived the storms experienced this year, it is also because your clients remained faithful. Why not then prepare a meal to invite them to a party which will surely stay in their memories? There again, Ghislain Bruyère is the ideal partner to immortalize the moment thanks to a tried and tested technique which enables him to (almost) make you forget his presence. Natural photos that you will be able to use in terms of commercial communication, be it in a targeted way towards the clients or, with their authorization, in a more prospective way in different publications.
Organizing an event is undoubtedly an optimistic way of showing your confidence in the future, combining it with the services of Focalice Is certainly a plus. So contact us via our contact form.